Study of superficial waters quality in a post-wildfire scenario in Portugal Central Region

Abstract: Following the major wildfires that affected the Central region of Portugal in 2017, a watercourse monitoring campaign was initiated in November 2017 to determine changes in water proprieties in a post-fire scenario, and establish the persistence of these effects. In the Mondego River basin, 10 points, from 6 watercourses, were chosen based on the size of the watershed and the percentage of burnt area. Monthly water monitorization featured in situ parameters and major ions analysis. A higher electrical
conductivity was found in water in November 2017, before the first runoffs.
Major ions have, in generally, decreased from December to January. However, the Cavalos brook showed an increase in NO3 concentration, and the downstream of Mondego River showing increase in Ca, HCO3 and NO3.