RiskAquaSoil – Atlantic risk management plan in water and soil

The Atlantic Area presents high exposure to climate change. Increased intensity and frequency of storms, altered hydrological cycle and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns have implications for the agriculture sector. However, there are still huge uncertainties in the way climate change will directly and indirectly affect agricultural and food systems.
The RiskAquaSoil project aims to develop a comprehensive management plan for risks in soil and in water to improve the resilience of the Atlantic rural areas. Through transnational cooperation, the Project partners will fight the adverse effects of climate change, especially on agricultural lands. This integral plan will entail three stages linked to the three specific objectives: 1) early warning and diagnosis: consists in testing new low-cost techniques to measure and forecast the local impact of different meteorological phenomena. These techniques will provide accurate data that will result in a better early detection system in rural areas. Diagnosis activity will be enlarged with climate scenarios and forecasts and the improvement of climate information services to farmers; 2) implementation and adaptation: consists in developing several pilot actions in agricultural lands that will permit a better soil and water management taking in to account the risks associated to climate change; 3) capacity building and dissemination: consists in training and commitment of local communities and farmers for an increasing capacity building, information and cooperation in risk management and damage compensation systems.
Briefly, the Risk Aqua Soil will contribute to a better coordination for the detection, risk management and rehabilitation for rural territories (maritime and land areas), associated to risks of natural, climate and human origin. It will also ensure articulation with national, regional and local policies.